Controlled Burn

    Scarred Hearts #1

    by Nikki Duncan

    Samhain Publishing

    September 1, 2015

    ISBN-13: B013HUVAIK

    Available in: e-Book

    Controlled Burn
    by Nikki Duncan

    Hardened by scars. Softened by heart. Melded by fire.

    Petite in stature but not in attitude, Delancey Winston put her fellow firefighters’ doubts to rest when she carried a half-burned man out of an arson fire. But she can’t shake the need to learn more about the haunting power of the man in her dreams—the one she pulled from a dead woman’s side to save.

    Even more disturbing is the power of newly awakened memories she’s tried to bury.

    Logan Mathis lost more than his accounting firm that day. He lost his beloved sister, his only remaining family. Now, his days filled with painful skin grafts and therapy, he works to avoid people. Until he runs into the woman who saved his life, who seems to see beyond his scars.

    Slowly, Delancey’s generosity of spirit begins healing Logan from the inside. But their connection resurrects memories Logan would rather forget. Memories that could make Logan a target of someone who’s still trying to burn away his tracks.

    Nikki Duncan's Bio

    Nikki Duncan, jokingly known to some as Naughty Nikki, juggles her time between writing, multiple jobs, household duties, and family. Of all the things on her To Do List, Nikki neglects the household chores most frequently. Then again, who doesn't want to ignore laundry and dishes?

    Before turning to writing, Nikki passed her spare time with a hundred or so romance books a year. While the reading has tapered off a bit, her love of books and reading is stronger than ever. She now spends large chunks of time indulging in her love of creating stories that will hopefully offer people the peace that, regardless of whatever is wrong with their life, hope and faith in something better can always be found between the covers of a book.

    In an attempt to strengthen her writing and story-telling techniques, Nikki dissects published books to see how published authors accomplish things. She has taken classes to bone up on grammar and punctuation, and though she's always been a strong speller she's eternally grateful for spell check in Word. When she has extra time (ha-ha) she reads craft books, searches the web for writing tips and secrets, and picks the brains of other writers willing to share what they've learned. As if that's not enough, she inhales workshops on CD that even remotely pertain to her writing or future goals.

    It may be seen as overconfidence, but Nikki never wondered IF she would be published. For her, it was a matter of WHEN, because the only way to succeed is to keep pushing forward and getting better.