Song in the Dark

A Novel of the Vampire Files

by P. N. Elrod

Ace Books

September 8, 2006

ISBN-13: 0441013732

Available in: Hardcover

Song in the Dark
by P. N. Elrod

When lowlife New York hoodlum Hog Bristow tried to muscle in on the Chicago action, Jack Fleming was caught in the middle of a gang war. Jack ended up at the mercy of the sadistic Bristow, who tried to torture him to death—and paid the final, bloody price for pushing a vampire beyond the limits of endurance.

But now, the bill for Jack's act of vengeance is about to come due. The New York bosses can't have their boys being taken out by a meddling outsider like Jack—not without the most serious of reprisals. Jack knows what he's up against, and normally his vampire powers would protect him. But instead, gripped by blinding seizures and frightening blackouts, he's becoming a danger to himself. And even worse, a threat to all those around him—both enemies and friends—as his thirst for human blood grows almost beyond his control...

P. N. Elrod's Bio

I’m best known for writing THE VAMPIRE FILES, a series about an undead vampire Jack Fleming whose first case is to solve his OWN murder! There’s 12 books and counting, as well as a number of short stories about his adventures.

In addition to writing, I’ve gone into editing and had the pleasure of working with the top names in urban fantasy with several award-winning collections.

Lately, I’ve just signed to edit a new anthology for St. Martin's called HEX SYMBOLS and signed a 3-book contract with Tor for a new steampunk series, ON HER MAJESTY’S PSYCHIC SERVICE. I’m currently working on the first book, THE HANGED MAN.

I consider myself to be danged lucky to have a job that I love this much!

There’s a lot more info on my website and, yeah, you figured it, I’m on FaceBook. Far too often for my own good! Drop in and hang out!