The Vampire Files, Volume Four

    by P. N. Elrod

    Ace Books

    August 30, 2011

    ISBN-10: 0441020828

    ISBN-13: 9780441020829

    Available in: Trade Size

    The Vampire Files, Volume Four
    by P. N. Elrod

    Two complete Jack Fleming, Vampire P.I. novels.

    Lady Crymsyn (Vampire Files, No. 9) (originally published Novmeber 2000 in hardcover and October 2001 in mass market paperback)
    Vampire detective Jack Fleming has mde a good bit of money cleaning up the streets of post-prohibition Chicago—enough to realize his long-time dream of owning a nightclub where a man can get a legal drink, and where Jack’s songbird girlfriend can headline the floor show.

    But renovations on the speakeasy come to a crashing halt when workmen discover the skeletal remains of a woman’s body—clad in a distinctive red dress̵walled up in the basement. Jack may have become a creature of the night, but he’s still a man with a strong sense of justice. And he won’t rest until he finds out who killed the lady in red—even if it means resurrecting secrets the mob would kill to keep buried...

    Cold Streets (Vampire Files, No. 10) (originally published January 2003 in hardcover and January 2004 in mass market paperback)
    Vampire detective Jack Fleming’s latest venture—the Lady Crymsyn nightclub—has become the favorite haunt for Chicago’s elite. But amongst his patrons lurk a smarmy blackmailer and a dangerous up-and-coming mobster from New York—both unaware how deadly Jack can be when blood is spilled...

    P. N. Elrod's Bio

    I’m best known for writing THE VAMPIRE FILES, a series about an undead vampire Jack Fleming whose first case is to solve his OWN murder! There’s 12 books and counting, as well as a number of short stories about his adventures.

    In addition to writing, I’ve gone into editing and had the pleasure of working with the top names in urban fantasy with several award-winning collections.

    Lately, I’ve just signed to edit a new anthology for St. Martin's called HEX SYMBOLS and signed a 3-book contract with Tor for a new steampunk series, ON HER MAJESTY’S PSYCHIC SERVICE. I’m currently working on the first book, THE HANGED MAN.

    I consider myself to be danged lucky to have a job that I love this much!

    There’s a lot more info on my website and, yeah, you figured it, I’m on FaceBook. Far too often for my own good! Drop in and hang out!