The Vampire Files, Volume Three

    by P. N. Elrod

    Ace Books

    March 1, 2011

    ISBN-10: 0441019749

    ISBN-13: 9780441019748

    Available in: Trade Size

    The Vampire Files, Volume Three
    by P. N. Elrod

    Two Jack Fleming, Vampire P.I, novels—now in one volume.

    Chicago is a rough town, even for the undead. But someone has to clean up the dirty burg, and Jack Flemming is just the vampire for the job. The Vampire Files, Volume Three includes two adventures featuring Chicago’s very own vampire P.I. as he cleans up the streets, one crook at a time.

    A Chill in the Blood (originally published June 1998 in hardcover and June 1999 in mass market paperback)
    When he was alive, Jack Fleming was a reporter with a nose for news. Now that he's dead, he's a private eye with a thirst for justice--and blood. But being a vampire with morals is no midnight stroll on the streets of post-prohibition Chicago. In the city of sin, the gangs still rule--and they're on the brink of an all-out war. Neither crooks nor cops care how much blood, innocent or otherwise, flows during the fight. But Jack does.

    Caught between the local hoods and the boys from New York, Jack has to stop the battle before it starts. But how much of his remaining humanity will be have to give up to do it?

    The Dark Sleep (originally published June 1999 in hardcover and May 2000 in mass market paperback)
    For vampire detective Jack Fleming, stalking the mean street of post-prohibition Chicago is a walk in the park compared to the jealousy he’s feeling about his girlfriend. A famous radio star has promised to get her some airplay, but Jack’s convinced the star is more interested in a private performance.

    Before he can resolve this situation, Jack is hired to retrieve incriminating letters form the ex-lover of a young socialite. A smpe job—until bullets start flying and Jack’s mortal partner get caught in the cross fire.

    Someone’s after Jack. But who? Jack is willing to risk his life to find the truth—after all, he’s already dead.

    Only this time, it’s not his life he’s risking...

    P. N. Elrod's Bio

    I’m best known for writing THE VAMPIRE FILES, a series about an undead vampire Jack Fleming whose first case is to solve his OWN murder! There’s 12 books and counting, as well as a number of short stories about his adventures.

    In addition to writing, I’ve gone into editing and had the pleasure of working with the top names in urban fantasy with several award-winning collections.

    Lately, I’ve just signed to edit a new anthology for St. Martin's called HEX SYMBOLS and signed a 3-book contract with Tor for a new steampunk series, ON HER MAJESTY’S PSYCHIC SERVICE. I’m currently working on the first book, THE HANGED MAN.

    I consider myself to be danged lucky to have a job that I love this much!

    There’s a lot more info on my website and, yeah, you figured it, I’m on FaceBook. Far too often for my own good! Drop in and hang out!