Iron Kissed

A Mercy Thompson Novel #3

by Patricia Briggs

Ace Books

January 2, 2008

ISBN-13: 0441015662

Available in: Paperback

Read an Excerpt

Iron Kissed
by Patricia Briggs

Mechanic Mercy Thompson can shift her shape—but not her loyalty. When her former boss and mentor is arrested for murder and left to rot behind bars by his own kind, it's up to Mercy to clear his name, whether he wants her to or not.

Mercy's loyalty is under pressure from other directions, too. Werewolves are not known for their patience, and if Mercy can't decide between the two she cares for, Sam and Adam may make the choice for her...

Patricia Briggs' Bio

Actually, I haven't written a biography at this point in time. They seem, well, narcissistic. I suppose there might be people who are interested in my pets, family and fashion tips, but somehow I doubt there's very many of them!

On the other hand, several people have taken the time to interview me regarding my work. Their questions are well phrased and thoughtful, and I often had to really think to frame an accurate response. So, in lieu of the customary biography, I present you said interviews.