The Lost

    by Patricia Gaffney, J. D. Robb, Ruth Ryan Langan, Mary Blayney

    Berkley Pub Group

    December 1, 2009

    ISBN-10: 0515147184

    ISBN-13: 9780515147186

    Available in: Paperback

    The Lost
    by Patricia Gaffney, J. D. Robb, Ruth Ryan Langan, Mary Blayney

    J. D. Robb's Missing in Death investigates a female tourist's disappearance during a ferry ride. Detective Eve Dallas wonders...if she didn't jump, and she's not on board, then where in the world is she?

    In Patricia Gaffney's The Dog Days of Laurie Summer, a woman awakens to a familiar yet unsettling world.

    In Mary Blayney's Lost in Paradise, a man locked in an island fortress finds hope for freedom in an enigmatic nurse.

    And Ruth Ryan Langan's Legacy belongs to a young woman who unearths a family secret buried on the grounds of a magnificent but imposing Irish castle.

    Patricia Gaffney's Bio

    Patricia Gaffney began her writing career with the publication of Sweet Treason, a historical romance set in revolutionary Scotland. Eleven romance novels later, she tried something different—The Saving Graces, a story of women's friendships, that ended up spending 17 weeks on the New York Times Bestsellers List.

    Circle of Three, Flight Lessons, and The Goodbye Summer followed, all bestsellers that established Gaffney as a premier mainstream fiction writer.

    Her new book is Mad Dash, the story of a happy marriage in trouble. It's due out in Spring 2008.

    Gaffney, who lives in Pennsylvania with her husband, is currently at work on a novel about a man who changes his life when he finds out he's dying—then finds out he isn't. Working title: On Second Thought.

    Photo credit Barbara Glaeser Photography, Ltd.