Heart of Stone

    Guardians 1

    by Rachel Bo

    Changeling Press

    June 24, 2004

    ISBN-13: 1595960201

    Available in: e-Book

    Heart of Stone
    by Rachel Bo

    Danielle has always believed that there are souls in the stone she carves. She has sensed the presence of intelligent spirits that guide her hands and allow her to reveal the beauty hidden within these bones of the earth. However, when a massive and mysterious obsidian gargoyle she saves from a landfill becomes a dark and dangerous obsession, she teeters on a thin line between madness and surrender.

    In six hundred years, Grellix has never desired a life- mate, never loved someone enough to ask for the sacrifice that is required to become bound forever. But Danielle is different. Danni knows the earth. She dances to its beat. She senses his presence trapped inside glossy black stone. Somehow, Danni must discover the secret of transforming that stone into flesh on her own. And once the transformation is complete, Grellix must request the final sacrifice from her, though he will not be allowed to reveal all that she will lose until the bond is sealed.

    When a sculptor seduced by the very earth she carves meets a darkly brooding Guardian longing for love, their passion explodes in a fiery inferno that melts a heart of stone!

    Rachel Bo's Bio

    Rachel Bo is an award-winning author currently published in several genres, though Fantasy and Science Fiction are her favorites. On the weekends, she works as a Clinical Laboratory Scientist. During the week, Rachel rides herd on her handsome husband, two wonderful daughters, a rabbit, a snake and several remarkably hardy goldfish.

    Rachel loves to hear from her readers. To contact her, please feel free to send an e-mail to rachbo03@yahoo.com