No memory, no future, and only a white rose to identify her. . . The Ilduin Bane are myth and legend: assassin mages whose blades drip poison and whose minds share a common purpose- one of death or control. All who have gone against them have been lost, unable to penetrate their powerful protections. And so Archer Blackcloak gathers a small band to bring about the downfall of the Bane. From Archer comes strength of purpose and an indomitable will. Ratha and Giri, the Anari warriors, give the group a fighter's skill and temper. They are joined by Young Tom, whose unwavering loyalty is matched by an insatiable curiosity, and by Sara Deepwell, who has a surprising talent for magic. From their last member, Tess Birdsong, the only survivor of a brutal attack that left her with no memory, comes the power of one who has nothing left to lose. But the road to freedom is long and twisted, and before they are finished their old sorrows may destroy them. Yet once started, they cannot turn back--no matter how high the price to be paid. . .
ACHEL LEE has over four million books in print and has won numerous awards for her bestselling romantic fiction. The author of Silhouette's number-one miniseries, Conard County, Rachel Lee also writes lighthearted contemporary romances under the pseudonym Sue Civil-Brown. Now she joins Warner Books with this exciting tale of romantic suspense, filled with authenticity, sensuality, and unforgettable characters-all the reasons Romantic Times calls Rachel Lee "an author to treasure forever."