Thunder Mountain


by Rachel Lee

Silhouette (Special Releases)

January 1, 2001

ISBN-13: 0373511264

Available in: Paperback (reprint)

Thunder Mountain
by Rachel Lee

Thunder Mountain speaks...

It was scarceely possible to believe, but Mercy Kendrick could not excape the sensation that the storm-racked mountain looking down on Conard County was a living, breathing entity -- something so powerful it could destroy an unwelcome mortal in an instant...

And none of the mountain's dangers was more terrifying than Gray Cloud -- silent guardian of a place that had been sacred to his people since the beginning of time. And yet, despite whispered warnings -- and her own trembling heart -- she could not keep away from this seductively sinister man...

Rachel Lee's Bio

ACHEL LEE has over four million books in print and has won numerous awards for her bestselling romantic fiction. The author of Silhouette's number-one miniseries, Conard County, Rachel Lee also writes lighthearted contemporary romances under the pseudonym Sue Civil-Brown. Now she joins Warner Books with this exciting tale of romantic suspense, filled with authenticity, sensuality, and unforgettable characters-all the reasons Romantic Times calls Rachel Lee "an author to treasure forever."