Trials of Blood Book 2
Self Published
November 29, 2022
Available in: e-Book, Trade Size
I hate vampires....every single one of them.
Life has become like hell for me. Every day is a struggle to survive and I know just who to blame for this mess, the vampires. Those blood sucking creatures who made me addicted to their venom and then left me to rot. So when one of them pushes back into my life and nearly destroys it, once again, I should be doing everything possible to kill him.
I know that's what I should do. So what does it mean that I am so drawn to those that I hate? What does it mean that I can't stay away?
*The reader should note this is book 2 of 3. The happy ending comes with book 3. You have been warned.*
As a teenager, I would hide in my room to read my favorite romance novels when I was supposed to be doing my homework. I hope, these days, that my parents think it was worth it. I am the mother of three adorable boys and I am fortunate to be married to my best friend. I live in Austin Texas where I am determined to eat all the barbecue in town. I am in love with science fiction, fantasy, and the paranormal and try to use all of these elements in my writing. I've been told I'm a little bloodthirsty so I hope that when you read my work you'll enjoy the action packed ride that always ends in romance. I love to write series because I love to see characters develop over time and it always makes me happy to see my favorite characters make guest appearances in other books. In my world anything is possible, anything can happen, and you should suspect that it will.