Stone Hearts

    Paradox #3

    by Rosemary Laurey, J. C. Wilder

    Samhain Publishing

    August 1, 2008

    ISBN-13: 1599983001

    Available in: Paperback

    Stone Hearts
    by Rosemary Laurey, J. C. Wilder

    The Shattered Stone by Rosemary Laurey

    Tragedy, violence and treachery and a chance encounter that leads to love and the resolution of an ancient dispute.

    After her parents die of the Gray Plague, Alys flees the only home she's ever known. She sets off to find her mother's kin in the far Western Lands. On the way she meets the Monarch's envoy, Ranald ven Strad. The chance meeting leads to danger and an astounding discovery.

    After the Rain by J.C. Wilder
    Li leaves her village after her family's betrayal and seeks to create a new life for herself. She accepts a job at Graystone House as the keeper of the Evil Ones—hundreds of stone gargoyles that fill a chamber from top to bottom and rumored to be the victims of the infamous Lady of Maragorn.

    Li only knows that the job fills her with dread, especially when she has to deal with one statue in particular, that of Nikolaz of Riverhaven.

    This book was previously published in e-book format as PARADOX III.

    Rosemary Laurey's Bio

    More years ago than she cares to remember, Rosemary Laurey left her native England to teach her way around the world. She didn't get very far. In Turkey she met the love of her life, a handsome US Air Force captain from South Carolina. Since then, she's raised three sons, taught regular and special education, worked as a tutor and educational assessor, moonlighted as a bookseller and somehow managed to get a master's degree in her spare time.

    She now writes full time and shares an empty nest in German Village in Columbus, Ohio with her husband, George.

    Visit her other websites:
    Forever Vampires

    Vampire Vixens

