Texas Bad Boys

by Rosemary Laurey, Dianne Castell, Karen Kelley

Kensington Publishing (Brava)

September 6, 2006

ISBN-13: 0758214839

Available in: Paperback

Texas Bad Boys
by Rosemary Laurey, Dianne Castell, Karen Kelley

These bad boys can deliver passion and pleasure with their boots on—and they're more than happy to let a woman mess with Texas...

In Bad with Someone by Rosemary Laurey
Rod Carter was supposed to end up running the Ragged Rooster. Instead, Old Man Maddox gave the bar to his granddaughter, some prissy Brit art gallery owner right off the boat from London. Miss Juliet Ffrench—yeah, two "f's"—knows jack-all about beer, winning friends, and running tabs, but she's got a killer smile. All the lady needs is someone to give her an education in Texas hospitality, up close and personal...

Run of Bad Luck by Karen Kelley
Nina Harris loves photographing naked, sexy men. But when she inherits her grandfather's ranch in Texas, and meets foreman Lance Colby, she thinks she may have met her match. Lance is pretty sure real cowboys don't drop trou for national magazines. Still, as a Texas gentleman, he'd be more than happy to give Nina a private showing...

Come to a Bad End by Dianne Castell
Silver Gulch Sheriff John Snow thinks women have their place—in his kitchen or his bed. He would certainly never go for some women's libber businesswoman like Lillie June. The men in town want him to close down her fancy new spa, and he's happy to oblige. But once he meets Lillie, soothing massages, personal pampering, and one-on-one body wraps don't seem like such a bad thing at all...

Rosemary Laurey's Bio

More years ago than she cares to remember, Rosemary Laurey left her native England to teach her way around the world. She didn't get very far. In Turkey she met the love of her life, a handsome US Air Force captain from South Carolina. Since then, she's raised three sons, taught regular and special education, worked as a tutor and educational assessor, moonlighted as a bookseller and somehow managed to get a master's degree in her spare time.

She now writes full time and shares an empty nest in German Village in Columbus, Ohio with her husband, George.

Visit her other websites:
Forever Vampires

Vampire Vixens

