Dark Lust

    by S. L. Carpenter

    Ellora's Cave

    September 1, 2004

    ISBN-13: 1419900234

    Available in: e-Book

    Dark Lust
    by S. L. Carpenter

    He knows what you yearn for. He can sense your deepest desires. He's the Dark Lord, and he's arrived to haunt your dreams. This collection of short stories will shock, amuse, amaze and astound you, not to mention heat up your personal thermostat to above its danger level. In addition to the Dark Lord, other short stories feature pre-historic play, contemporary life, and even a dash of revenge. So fasten your seat belt and keep your hands inside the safety rails... it's going to be a wild and sensual ride on the roller coaster called "Dark Lust".

    S. L. Carpenter's Bio

    S.L. Carpenter is a born and raised California man. He does both writing and cover art for novels as outlets for his overactive libido and twisted mind. His inspiration is his wife, who keeps him well trained.

    Writing is his true joy. It gives him freedom and expression for both his sensual and humorous sides.

    The covers show his artistic impressions of stories from all the great authors he works with.