Frankly, My Dear

    Creole Historical Book 2

    by Sandra Hill

    Avon Books

    January 29, 2013

    Available in: Paperback, e-Book (reprint)

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    Frankly, My Dear
    by Sandra Hill

    Lost in the Bayou...

    Selene has always had three great passions: men, food . . . and Gone With the Wind. Still, the glamorous model always seems to be starving for both nourishment and affection. Weary of the petty world of high fashion, she heads to New Orleans for one last shoot before she chucks it all and begins a whole new life. But she doesn’t realize that, thanks to an errant voodoo spell, her new life will happen 150 years in the past . . . and in the company of a dark and brooding gentleman who could give Rhett Butler a run for his money!

    An alarmingly handsome Southern planter, James Baptiste may not have Rhett’s cavalier spirit—and his plantation is certainly no Tara! But it’s clear as crystal that this virile Creole is a lover worth giving a damn about. And with God as her witness, Selene vows she will never go hungry for this man again!

    Originally published July 1996 and reissued October 1999 and May 2003 in mass market paperback by Leisure Books.

    Sandra Hill's Bio

    Humor has become a hallmark of Sandra Hill's books. She started out with Vikings, tried a medieval knight, moved into the Old South, then the California gold fields, on to modern-day Manhattan, Memphis, Maine and Galveston. But the one element that has remained consistent in all her books is the laugh-out-loud humor.

    Sandra's first book came out in October 1994, and since then she has published fifteen novels and had novellas in four anthologies, all through Dorchester Publishing.

    Married for almost thirty years (to the same man!!!), Sandra is the mother of four sons. Living with five males (not to mention a male German Shepherd the size of a small horse) is enough to make any woman develop a sense of humor, Sandra often says. Either that, or go mad.

    The most gratifying thing to Sandra has been the amazing reader response to her books. Almost 5,000 readers have taken the time to write to her over the past five years (some of them repeatedly) to tell her how much her books have touched their lives. This is the one thing Sandra never expected when she first started writing...the need for laughter in a world that is becoming increasingly stressful and sometimes downright dreary. She is only too happy to help and promises her fans that her well of humor is not about to run dry for a long, long time.