Ours to Love

    A Wicked Lovers Novel #7

    by Shayla Black

    Berkley Pub Group (Heat)

    May 7, 2013

    ISBN-10: 0425253392

    ISBN-13: 9780425253397

    Available in: Trade Size

    Read an Excerpt

    Ours to Love
    by Shayla Black

    Between two brothers...

    Xander Santiago spent years living it up as a billionaire playboy. Never given a chance to lead his family business in the boardroom, he became a master in the bedroom instead. His older brother, Javier, inherited the company and worked tirelessly to make it an empire. But while cutthroat corporate espionage took its toll on Javier, nothing was as devastating as the seemingly senseless murder of his wife. It propelled him into a year of punishing rage and guilt...until Xander came to his rescue.

    Comes an irresistible woman...

    Eager to rejuvenate Javier’s life, Xander shanghais him to Louisiana, where they meet beautiful London McLane. After a decade of tragedy and struggle, London is determined to make a fresh start—and these sexy billionaire brothers are more than willing to help. In every way. London is stunned to find herself open to every heated suggestion...and desperately hoping that her love will heal them.

    And inescapable danger.

    But a killer is watching, on a single-minded mission to destroy everything the Santiago brothers hold dear, especially London. As fear and desire collide, every passionate beat of her heart could be her last.

    Shayla Black's Bio

    You know what they say about curiosity and the cat...but if you still want to know, read below.

    The author of sizzling contemporary, erotic and historical romances, Shelley Bradley (aka Shayla Black) lives in the south with her husband and daughter, juggling the many roles in her life: writer, mother, wife and all around laundress. In her "free" time, she is a reality TV junkie, enjoys reading, obsessively studying all things Harry Potter, doing step aerobics, and listening to an eclectic blend of music.

    Shelley has won or placed in over a dozen writing contests, including Romance Writer of America's Golden Heart. With previous releases, Romantic Times has awarded her a Top Pick and a KISS Hero award.

    A writing risk-taker, Shelley enjoys tackling writing challenges with every book, as well as writing emotionally-based relationships and hot love scenes from the heart.