Sex and the Single Ghost

    by Tawny Taylor

    Kensington Publishing

    October 1, 2006

    ISBN-13: 075821507X

    Available in: Paperback

    Sex and the Single Ghost
    by Tawny Taylor

    Go ahead, make my afterlife...


    Nine years ago, Claire Weiss died, which put a serious crimp in her plans. Now, she's caught in Purgatory, waiting for that Big Day when she can reanimate and return to earth and have sex at last! Nine whole days of chocolate! Cute shoes! Real beer! And, most important of all, a chance to reconnect with the object of her long-denied lust, hunky Jake Faron. The minute she materializes in front of her favorite old haunt, er, bar, Devil's Night--complete in a Halloween get-up of lingerie and high-heeled mules--she locks eyes with Jake, who is as hunky as ever.

    Hard-muscled body? Check.

    Bone-melting smile? Check.

    Big...hands? Check, check, check.

    Goodbye, Purgatory--Hel-looo, heaven.

    The rules are that Claire has nine days to investigate her mysterious death, solve the crime, and do good deeds for others (not as easy as it seems, people) before returning to Purgatory. But she also has nine hot, steamy nights to do absolutely everything she's ever dreamed about doing with Jake. And that's a good thing, because not only does Jake have a secret that could change her whole afterlife, but he's perfectly capagle of showing a love-struck ghost plenty of heaven on earth...

    Tawny Taylor's Bio

    All you ever wanted to know about Tawny Taylor but were afraid to ask...

    Okay, maybe not...but this isn't ET's True Hollywood Stories.

    Nothing exciting happens in Tawny Taylor's life, unless you count giving the cat a flea —or chasing after a houseful of upchucking kids during flu season. She doesn't travel the world or employ a staff of personal servants. She's not even built like a runway model. She's just your run-of-the-mill Detroit suburban mom and wife.

    That's why she writes, for the sheer joy of it. She doesn't need to escape, mind you. Despite being run-of-the-mill, her life is wonderful. She just likes to add

    Her heroines might resemble herself, or her next door neighbor (sorry Sue), but they are sure to be memorable (she hopes!). And her heroes—inspired by movie stars, her favorite television actors or her husband—are fully capable of delivering one hot happily-ever-after after another. Combined, the characters and plots she weaves bring countless hours of enjoyment to Tawny...and she hopes to readers too!

    In the end, that's all the matters to Tawny, bringing a little bit of zip to someone else's life.

    And she loves hearing from readers!! Drop her a note anytime!