Book Bites Protectors

    Book Bites Romance Book 1

    by Taylor Lee, Rebecca York, Patricia Rosemoor, Mimi Barbour, Denise Devine, Dani Haviland

    Sarna Publishing

    August 18, 2023

    Available in: e-Book

    Book Bites Protectors
    by Taylor Lee, Rebecca York, Patricia Rosemoor, Mimi Barbour, Denise Devine, Dani Haviland

    Inside this collection you'll find chapter samples of eleven incredibly exciting books. Our hope is that you'll be so thrilled, you'll have to continue reading.
    Many of the authors are NYT & USAT bestselling authors who understand that a reader loves to get snippets of a story before clicking that buy link. We've gathered these together to make the journey easier for you.
    Since this is the perfect way for you to find your next book, we also hope it becomes a trail of discovery to a fresh author and her backlist.

    Mimi Barbour -- Special Agent Walker
    Patricia Rosemoor -- Fake ID Wife
    Rachelle Ayala -- Preying Heart
    Dani Haviland -- The Midwife's Son
    Rebecca York -- At Risk
    Denise Devine -- Small Town Girl
    Susanne Matthews -- Sworn to Protect
    Calinda B. -- Gravestones
    Taylor Lee -- Forbidden
    Cynthis Cooke -- Deadly Secrets, Loving Lies
    Susan Jean Ricci -- Evasion

    Taylor Lee's Bio

    My stories are the stories of my heritage. From the residue in my blender of mixed races, cultures and world views, my characters emerge. My penchant to root around in the past is a blessing. It comforts me to know that while evil slinks in the shadows, the warriors of the world sniff it out -- and snuff it out. Can it be so simple? Deshi (The Joker Is Wild) asks in disbelief, "That's the goal of the Grandmasters? To stamp out evil? Sorry, Father, I prefer poker. It has better odds." Ah, youth. Fortunately there is love and, yes, it does conquer all, but not without a hell of a fight --- at least for my warrior men and women. I am as real as the words on the page. -- Taylor Lee