Return of the Lawman


    by Lisa Childs


    May 1, 2002

    ISBN-13: 0373226640

    Available in: Paperback

    Return of the Lawman
    by Lisa Childs

    Wanting him couldn't be helped -- falling for him had to be. Dylan Matthews had left Winter Falls a young man racked by tragedy; he returned a seasoned big- city cop with a dangerous case to solve and scars that were still too tender to share. Lindsey Warner couldn't deny that she still wanted Dylan -- had never stopping wanting him. But she was a woman now, a successful investigative reporter, and she hadn't come home to relive the past. No, if she was going to survive another encounter with Dylan Matthews, then she'd have to stick to getting her story and getting out...before she got in over her head.

    Lisa Childs' Bio

    Lisa Childs's early novels were written in crayon and featured the family dog as the hero. Then she discovered Nancy Drew, and writing romantic suspense came naturally for the author born one dark, stormy Halloween night. During the day Lisa is a part-time insurance agent and full-time wife and mother with two beautiful daughters and a loving husband. When night falls and fog from their fifteen- acre swamp wraps around their house, Lisa becomes the focused writer, spinning stories she hopes her readers will enjoy. Visit Lisa's website: